Begonia cleopatrae is a striking rhizomatous species originating from the Island of Palawan in the Philippines. The name comes from the area in which it original grew, a mountain called Cleopatra’s Needle. It has a small oval leaves that have unique leathery texture. The leaves are a chocolate brown with a striking green stripe along the main vein and small dash like markings around the outer edge of the leaf. To make this plant even more colourful the underside of the leaf is red.

When grown in optimal light conditions of bright, indirect light this Begonia has a compact growth habit. It can grow t being around only 6-8inches tall meaning it stays relatively small compared to other rhizomatous species. Some browning of the edges of the leaves can occur when the humidity is to low, this begonia prefers high humidity levels of 65% or higher. A terrarium can help achieve this in low humidity climates.

Like most begonias this stunner prefers a loose, well-draining soil to ensure adequate air-rating of the roots and ensure its not to stay too wet. To ensure over watering does not occur only water when the top two inches of the potting medium is dry.

It has a compact growth habit and makes a great window sill plant. Just give it a little humidity and allow it to dry out between waterings. The flowers are light pink.

(You will receive a bare rooted plant similar to the one seen in the images.)

Each living plant is unique and may vary slightly in size, colour or shape.


Begonia ‘Cleopatrae’

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