Native to the cloud forest of Costa Rica, Monstera esqueleto, also known as Monstera epipremnoides, is a tropical plant that is growable indoors. These kinds of plants are known to have unique fenestrated leaves that allow them to survive heavy rain and wind.

 Care Specks:

Bright to medium light, recommended placement is within a metre of a window

Allow it to mostly dry between waterings but not entirely

Give them well draining soil - adding about 20% to 30% perlite into your standard premium potting mix will do the trick.

Obliqua also likes warmer temperatures, from 70-85 degrees Fahrenheit.


Like other vine plants, they are fast growers and benefit from having something to hold on to like a moss pole, or something they can climb, wrapping up and down the pole will give a bushy look.


They propagate from stem cuttings very easily. Just snip below a node, place in water and wait a few weeks and it’s that easy. Fast to root, easy to transplant to soil. This plant is made for propagating given its growth rate!


Monstera obliqua needs constant, substantial humidity. These leaves are super delicate and must be kept nice and supple, otherwise, they’ll dry right out and get crumbly. Shoot for 85% humidity or more!

Toxic to pets!


While adansonii leaves are quite fenestrated, obliqua leaves are extremely fenestrated to the point that there is more hole than leaf. In fact, up to 90% of a mature monstera obliqua leaf is empty space!


Adansonii esquelto

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