Begonia Venosa, an upright species from Brazil, is a rare example of a begonia that thrives in dryer, sunnier conditions. Its round, succulent like leaves are covered in tiny white hairs that become more numerous when grown in bright light. It produces fragrant white flowers year round.

This begonia like most prefers bright and indirect light however can also tolerate partial to full sun if acclimated slowly to conditions. Like most begonias this stunner prefers a loose, well-draining soil to ensure adequate air-rating of the roots and ensure its not to stay too wet. This variety prefers to actually be on the drier side, its best to water when soil is completely dried out.

 Please note that Begonias are notorious for not posting well, so keep in mind that you may receive a plant with floppy/brown edged leaves. They generally bounce back pretty quickly and will push out fresh leaves once potted up.

(You will receive a bare rooted plant similar to the one seen in the images. Each living plant is unique and may vary slightly in size, colour or shape.)

Begonia ‘Venosa’

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