Crotor’s are a striking and very easy-to-grow houseplant. These stunners are known for their variegated foliage of green, scarlet, orange, and yellow splotches.

 Care Specks:

Bright to medium light, recommended placement is within a metre of a window

Allow it to mostly dry between waterings but not entirely

Give them well draining soil - adding about 20% to 30% perlite into your standard premium potting mix will do the trick.

The best temperature range for these plants is between 20°C -35°C like other house plants


These plants normally grow to being a magnificent in clump. They will however grow a bit 'stalky' if not given enough sun.


They propagate from stem cuttings very easily. Just snip below a node, place in water and wait a few weeks and it’s that easy. Fast to root, easy to transplant to soil. It also very easy to separate clumps by untangle the root ball and simply potting each clump separately. This plant is made for propagating given its growth rate!


These plants love humidity and will thrive very well with good levels, however will cope well regular spritzing to create own humidity. 

Toxic to pets!

(You will receive a bare rooted plant similar to the one seen in the images. Each living plant is unique and may vary slightly in size, colour or shape.)

Croton ‘Little Devil’

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